Looking back on my year 2015

1. January 2016

Today is the first day of the new year and it’s time for a little review of what happened in my life in 2015. For me 2015 was a year full of new experiences and lessons learned. However this past year was also a period of transition with a lot of uncertainties especially regarding my professional future.



After graduating from Uni I finally started working full time as an associate at a law firm that I had already worked for as a part time research assistant the previous four years in December 2014. Thus at the beginning of 2015 I found myself placed in a completely different situation in life. From the good old student days I went straight to working full time. And by full time I mean an all-in contract and a job that soon showed to require the readiness to give up on most of the life outside of the office. This massive shift that completely tipped over my work-life balance soon took its toll on me. After only a few months I realized that, although I had a well paid job in a thriving company the effects it had on my private and personal life made me increasingly unhappy. The tough hours at work made it impossible for me to do sports on a regular basis, see my friends as much as I’d have liked to or dedicate some time to my other more creative hobbies. In other words, I more and more had to give up on all the things that I consider crucial to my happiness. The result was frustration, the feeling of being trapped in a never-ending rat race, uncertainty about my future and fear of failing. There were times when I sat in my office late at night and felt like crying because it felt like everything I was studying and working for the last years turned out to just make me miserable.

It took me a while to realize that at the end of the day it was up to me to make a change and that given my age and qualification I don’t depend on doing a job that doesn’t make me happy at all. Eventually I decided to quit my job at the law firm. Pulling through for 10 months had earned me enough money to take an exciting opportunity to go and live in Australia for a while. I decided to do an unpaid internship for an Austrian Institution in Sydney, a city I’ve always wanted to live in. During that internship I not only rediscovered my professional motivation I also admitted to myself that at this point I just cannot work as a lawyer anymore. Much rather it’s time for me to discover something new, maybe less law-related. Therefore in 2016 I will try to find a new job, maybe in a small start-up company, with a less conservative working environment and more room for creative minds and personal development. I want to learn how to build up one’s own business because in the long run my goal is to create something myself. I want to do my own thing and make it work.



Besides the occupational blues I underwent particularily in the first half of the year, I can really not complain about the year 2015 at all. I am blessed to have a great relationship with my wonderful parents who always support me and are there for me no matter what. 2015 was also a year that strengthened my relationship to my gorgeous and lovely missus Sophie. Last but not least I am so grateful to have a circle of friends around me who over the last years have become more like brothers to me.

Another personal highlight for me was moving to Australia for 4 months. It was the second time I’ve lived in a different country and despite the short period of time it feels like Australia and Sydney in particular have become my second home. Despite the rather short time I’ve lived here in Sydney I could take a lot with me. Starting from jumping over my shadow several times to stepping outside my comfort zone to establishing a new existence, friends and rhythm of life in a foreign country at the other end of the world (and yeah I know Australia is not North Korea but it’s still a new environment). After all I’m more than happy that I’ve decided to take this step, draw a line under my previous job and make new experiences in new surroundings. I’ve made many new friends over here, worked with incredibly interesting and inspiring personalities, have finally found the time to focus more on myself again and had the pleasure to enjoy living in probably the coolest city on earth for quite a while. So from a personal perspective: 2015, you were awesome!



Although especially in the first half of the year I didn’t have as much time as I wished I’d have for my blog, I think I’ve still made more than just one step forward with my blogging this year. I’ve finally managed to keep up the quality of the content to a what I think satisfactory level, and I’ve posted more or less regularly throughout the whole year. What I’m especially proud of is that I got to work with some of my absolute favorite brands as on the one hand it is an acknowledgement of my work as a blogger and on the other hand it allows me to remain authentic.

The biggest growth certainly happened on Instagram where I’ve made it from less than 10.000 followers to almost 25000 at the moment. At this point I wanna thank each and everyone of you for your support and kind words. I really appreciate it a lot and I’m happy if I can provide you with some inspiration for your own style. At the end of the day the most important thing remains that we all feel comfortable with what we wear and that we can express or emphasize who we are or how we feel with the way we dress. My goals for 2016 definitely are to diversify the topics on my blog a bit and provide you with even more useful and inspirational topics which hopefully will eventually help me to build a bigger audience also here on my website and other social media channels.


Thank You!

Finally, I want to thank you all for reading my blog, looking at and liking my pictures, dropping me a line or two and maybe taking some inspiration from the content I provide. Together with you I’m confident to make 2016 an even more successful year and I’m looking forward to where my journey as a blogger will take me next.


All pics were taken by my mate Noah Stammbach (@zeebachi on Instagram)

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Michael Meißner 1. January 2016 at 17:18

Dein zurückliegendes Jahr war geprägt durch auf und abs, doch ich denke, du hast das beste daraus gemacht. Hoffe für dich, das das neue Jahr einiges neues bringt und du dir einige deiner Träume erfüllen kannst. Ich denke, mit deiner Lebenseinstellung, wirst du es weit bringen und du hast ja einen guten familären Hintergrund, mit deinen Eltern und deiner wundervollen Sophie,, die dir in jeder Situation zur Seite stehen.. Wünsche dir für 2016 viel Kraft, Ausdauer und weiterhin soviel Neugierigkeit um immer wieder neues zu entdecken. 😉 😀 🙌🙌🙌

Andrea Kuprian-Farcher 6. January 2016 at 9:22

Ich bin beeindruckt! Besser kann es nicht sein. Du hast reflektiert und ganz viel über dich und dein Leben nachgedacht und herausgefunden. Arbeit ist gut, wenn sie auch Spass macht. Und vor allem gibt es auch ein Sein außerhalb der Arbeitswelt.
Alles ist gut! Du bist ein großartiger junger Mann mit unglaublich vielen Talenten.
Nichts und niemand kann deinem Leben und deinem Erfolg im Weg stehen. Höre immer auf deine innere Stimme und es gelingt.
Deine hervorragende Zeit in Australien hast du dir selbst kreiert und verdient.
Mach weiter so!!!!!!!


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