Besides sun, beautiful beaches, surfing, relaxed lifestyle, kangaroos and cool people Australia also has to offer a remarkable fashion industry, with internationally well known and much appreciated brands like Zanerobe or Lapse. However, the newest member of the Australian streetwear family that i think deserves the attention of streetwear enthusiasts around the world is BARNEY COOLS. Founded by Zanerobe’s creative director Nat Taubman, Barney Cools picks up the image of laid back surfer life and combines it with contemporary urban fashion elements. Its first collection Poolside Etiquette has dropped a couple of weeks ago and has Taubman’s handwriting all over it. Summer-inspired prints meet relaxed streetwear fits.
Below’s look is all about my favorite piece out of the Poolside Etiquette collection, the “cools” sweat. With a simple yet awesome design and superior fit this sweat is a true statement piece. I totally love its attitude and high recognition value due to the signature cools-print, conveying a certain sense of adolescent friskiness. A true MIAT essential!
All pics taken by Stefan Joham (
BARNEY COOLS – cools sweat // ZANEROBE – stingray dropshots // ETQ – blueberry black low tops // BARNEY COOLS – b.cools snap